Update on December 2012 Events: Little late but didn't want to forget to give God glory for everything that happened!
Dec 10th: Annual Christmas Pageant :around 200 teens participated!! Many teens placed their faith in Christ that evening after hearing the Gospel & seeing the TRUE CHRISTmas story acted out! I was with my favorite boys in YLA (Youth Leadership Academy facility) & we had 35 boys. Such a joyful evening & many boys & girls shared that it was the BEST Christmas they have ever had!! God did amazing things. We had an increase in Bible study attendance AFTER this event!!!
Dec 8th: Annual Youth Guidance Center: We had about 80 teens participate in the Christmas event! We had the teens act out/read scripts for Christmas story & we also played a bunch of fun games with them to help them memorize scripture & His promises. And brought them more Christmas cookies than they could consume.The volunteers & i had a chance to chat w/them & pray for them. We gave them Christmas cards to write on/mail to loved ones. One boy said "Michelle, i don't have anyone to give this card to. May i give it to you & can you please write something encouraging in it & give it back to me?" This touched my heart. So i filled the card up w/verses & words of hope & encouragement & he was so blessed by that! Here are a few photos of that evening!
Praying/catching up with one of the boys i have known for a while. It's such a blessing/rewarding to have a connection with them. They trust me!
Dec 14th: Annual Joplin Christmas Event: 46 boys were involved in this event & it was a fun night! We had a magician come & perform for them, the boys LOVED him! A former incarcerated youth (Mikey Place) came & shared his testimony of how God radically changed his life & shared w/the boys that they also can have that same success story & hope IF & WHEN they trust Jesus as their Savior & surrender their lives to Him. Mikey is attending Murrieta Bible College & growing in the Lord tremendously! So proud of him. We also had lots of good snacks/goodies for them & had some time to fellowship/pray with them.
Next blog i will update you all on all of the contacts/events we have had over 2012 (we keep each contact w/youth recorded!) It is pretty cool to look over all the contacts & lives saved/Bibles distributed etc over the year to get a feeling of the impact God has had. Although we still have no idea the big picture...only when we get to Heaven someday will we truly see the amount of lives impacted & the full Harvest!! Oh what a day that will be)
Sometimes we get impatient & worry & doubt His will & timing of things in our lives....just wanted to remind MYSELF & YOU that God is ALWAYS on time!!!
Just this Sunday God allowed me the privilege & blessing to see an 18yr old place his trust & faith in Jesus Christ & i have known him for several years! It was such an exciting day!!! Years & years of me & others praying for his salvation & softening of the heart, & God is mighty to save.
Do not give up. God hears our prayers & is faithful to answer.
1 Thes. 5:17 "pray without ceasing;"
Oh it's an adventure living for Christ. Never a dull moment.
i'm quite busy teaching Bible studies w/boys in YLA, discipling girls in different units, helping lead a home church in Santa Ana in gang neighborhood (planted this home church about 2 months ago), visiting adult jails on weekends to minister to lonely prisoners, helping teach Sunday services, fundraising donations (still in need of more monthly consistent supporters)...and just investing in the lives God has put in my pathway.
With the intense schedule of ministry, God has been reminding me how extremely CRUCIAL it is to be DISCIPLINED in spending ALONE dates with Him. To get away to somewhere QUIET & read, pray, listen to His voice & reflect. Because how can i continue to pour out if i'm not FILLING UP? Thanks for your love & support!!
Para-Chaplain Michelle