Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Saturday June 23: From Tragedy to Rejoicing

12:45pm Saturday:I am driving,on my way to help out with a Lives Worth Saving Gang Intervention BBQ outreach in central Santa Ana on a certain street that is notorious for heavy gang/drug activity. I receive a text from a friend, alerting me of a tragic accident/crime that had just occurred on the same street as the event.A mother & her 2 little girls were hit crossing the street in a crosswalk by a driver who ran a red light, under the influence.The 5yr old girl was instantly killed. The mother & other little girl in critical condition, being rushed to the hospital.....

My heart dropped. I began to cry as i was driving over. I went from being excited about playing games with the kids to completely heart broken and in shock, not feeling like "socializing at a BBQ event." My first reaction was to text him back and say "i am praying God raises her from the dead".That is not my usual reaction, but I have FAITH that God COULD do it, if He wanted to. I parked & walked past the scene. Saw one of the most horrible sights: police gathering the lifeless body of the 5yr old child into a  large body bag...

I was a mess. Everyone was out in their frontyards & on the streets watching, grieving...some unfortunately not shocked or phased by it because they have become calloused by the regular occurance of these tragic accidents...

The woman who ran the red light was not only under the influence but she tried to hit and run, but a neighbor blocked the get away car, causing her to crash and be stopped long enough for police to come and arrest her.Please pray for the father/husband who is grieving. Pray for the mother and her 6yr old daughter who are in critical condition in the hospital.And if you believe God can raise the 5yr old from the dead, join in me in prayer for that also...IF that is God's will, of course. Could you imagine?!! I can. Wouldn't be the 1st time Jesus raised a child from the dead (Mark 5:35-43)Please also pray for the 33yr old woman who is now locked up, facing manslaughter charges. Praise God that people from our Lives Worth Saving were there to minister to the father/husband and loved ones/neighbors as they grieved during this tragedy. We were there to be His light, comfort, peace, joy and love in the middle of desperation.

I arrive & help set up for the event, still a mess.Not in the mood to lead games for the kids, but i ask for prayer and then God gives me the strength to.About 30 kids showed up and had a BLAST playing games. We shared the Gospel with them and showed them His love and encouragement. These kids brought ME  joy when i was down. They made me smile and laugh. Many of the neighborhood kids do not have fathers around and good role models to look up to.Here are some pictures of me being a big kid with them :)

We had games for the kids, resource tables for youth/adults to help them find jobs and get back into school programs.We had a prayer table. The youth group from Pastor Kevin's church did a skit for the youth.It was powerful!
 A woman who lives in the apartment complex accepted Jesus that day!Got to pray with her and encourage her. She said that years of guilt and shame were lifted off her that day! Thank You Jesus!!We had been ministereing to her and husband and teenage sons for the last few months, helping them meet their physical needs but also spiritual needs.They still have many difficult struggles: please keep this family in prayer.Five young brothers (all under the age of 13) who were  playing games with me that day...have a father who has been locked up in  prison. No dad around. This scenerio is way too common. This is NOT ok. But this is the cycle that continues.....

So many needs.....but Jesus is using us to reach ONE LIFE at a time :)

Saturday evening: 6-10pm: My LWS team and i hit the streets. We run into 2 teenage boys: a 15yr old and a 19yr old. Both at risk youth and both hungry for Jesus! We shared the Gospel with them and they wanted to surrender their lives to the LORD. Here is a pic of me and the 19yr old! He is now my little brother in Christ!
I have high hopes for this young man.He has a good job and is working towards being a head chef at his own restaurant! I told him "i am so proud of you and i believe in you!" He responded "No one has ever told me that before. My parents were never around and never told me.That means so much to me,Thank you" Wow. Please pray he keeps his eyes on Jesus.

So many teens out there with NO father figures. Breaks my heart. Frustrates me.Men need to step up and be the LEADERS that God created them to be. These kids NEED you. They look up to you. They need to hear "i am proud of you. I love you."

Saturday....a day of death and life. A day of physical death but also a day of spiritual birth..... many lives were saved today..angels were rejoicing. Even though there were intense moments of grief...

This is my crazy, intense, beautiful life...

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Surf, Sand, & Smiles

Saturday June 9th a few Lives Worth Saving team mates & i brought 10 kids from inner city Santa Ana to a Crystal Cove beach day 12pm-4:45pm. That picture is with a  sweet 10yr old boy named Jesus who had NEVER stepped foot onto a beach before!He & the other kids made sand castles, boogie boarded & played in the surf, some for the very 1st time!!! These kids have grown up on a notorious street where there is a lot of gang violence, drugs, abuse, alcoholism, etc. These kids (ages 8-13yrs old) walk to school in fear everyday. During these several hours of carefree beach fun,they were FREE to just be KIDS! And their smiles never ended. It was hard to even lure them OUT of the water to feed them lunch! They (and i) were amused by the squirrels  and sea gulls attempting to take off with their half-eaten cheetos bags haha

To me, throwing a nerf football around in the surf with a boy named Brandon for an hour isn't something  HUGE or extraordinary. BUT...afterwards he told me that no one ever spends that time with him to play.That was hard to hear. I am thankful that God can use us in the LITTLE ways to make GIGANTIC impacts in peoples' lives.This day was unforgettable for me, and i know it will be for those kids! We NEED to catch these kids early in life before they head down the wrong path! I DO NOT want to see their beautiful faces behind the walls of Juvenile Hall, YGC, Joplin, or YLA!!!!!

I personally had countless number of people who invested into my life as a child, teenager & throughout my 20's: teachers, youth pastors/leaders, family members, friends, & others who crossed my path. If we aren't investing in the lives of youth & many of them don't have a stable family  environment to receive that from- WHERE and WHO will they get that from? Many times, sadly, in gangs.

Kids/teens who grow up without a father around, especially in this community, have a very high percentage of joining a gang, committing crimes=ending up arrested/in Juvenile Hall, prison, or tragically-dead.And since i have been ministering to imprisoned teenagers for the last 7years, i hear story after story of how their fathers are involved with gangs, abandoned them, are abusive, or are in prison. Many times the moms also are involved in drugs & are simply in denial or turn their head to what is going on in their own homes. Or are intimidated by their own teens/violent drug use/anger & behaviors. 

Makes me even more thankful for  my wonderful loving parents!My father and mother who have always been there for me. My father always worked hard  to provide for my mom & my sister & i.My mom always made sure she was there when i got home from school. They attended every swim meet, basketball game, volleyball game, & prays daily/weekly for my my Juvenile Hall teens and i.He cared enough to be strict with me & discipline me, out of love. I appreciate him NOW more than ever before.But i am also grateful that God, my Heavenly Father, is a Father to the fatherless.Each one of these children are so precious and valueable.The lack of fathers & good male role models for these youth really break my heart.Some of the Christian men in Lives Worth Saving & in the community of Santa Ana are realizing this great gap & are beginning to stand up & make a difference!

SOLUTION?=BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS, INVESTING IN THE LIVES OF THE MEN, WOMEN & CHILDREN & CONTINUE TO SHARE GOD'S LOVE & TRUTH. DISCIPLESHIP.MENTORING.WALKING THROUGH LIFE WITH PEOPLE. LIVING IN COMMUNITY.  (which is why i will be moving there, as soon as i fundraise enough support money to move out! I am in process of looking for a room to rent in those neighborhoods)

More pics from Crystal Cove Beach Day :)

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14

I recognized one of these young girl's faces & realized that i had met her a few months ago while walking the dark allies of Santa Ana during our Gang Intervention hours.I believe one or more of her family members are deeply involved in gang violence, putting her & her family/friends in jeopardy daily. PLEASE  pray for these children, that they would continue to have Goldy people in their life to guide them! Kids sadly get jumped into gangs as young as 8yrs old!

I'll be sending another blog soon, updating you on other ministries/events going on & what God is doing in the lives of the youth/communities!If you are interested in helping me with rent money/living expenses, my donation info is on  the right side of my blog site!I am in great need of consistent monthly supporters!But thankful for anything, every bit helps! Thanks for reading & for your prayers & support! In Christ, Michelle

For you, O Lord, are my hope, my trust, O Lord, from my youth.
Psalm 71:5